The Tea Party: A Spontaneous Movement?
By Steve Thomsen
By Steve Thomsen
If there was one aspect of the election that shifted the
vote more than any other, it’s this angry mob of middle-aged white people who
are “taking back the country” and are bringing about “the next American
revolution.” The self-righteous conviction that they are the few true Americans
left is a testament to the fury of the masses. They organized against Obama’s
health care bill. They organized against the Democrat’s “Cap and Trade” bill, a
bill that taxed CDCs and other carbon pollutants. And, most widely, they
organized against Obama himself.
From their perspective, they are a grassroots movement.
Every one of them believes that their anti-government rage is the result of a
president who doesn’t care about the country, not the talk radio and news
organizations they are presently addicted to. But really, this story of the Tea
Party ties more closely with the story of financial corruption than almost any
other. Because now that we’ve seen how the markets were manipulated to rip the
entire country off, we can now see how these evil geniuses then convinced the
masses that it wasn’t the rich’s fault. It was the GOVERNMENT spending your tax
dollars on wasteful things! Like POOR PEOPLE! And WELFARE! The good hard
working (and mostly white) Americans who just want to work a decent day’s wage
are sick of paying for the social parasites’ booze and cigarettes. It’s like
“Atlas Shrugged,” but instead of John Galt, we have Rick Santelli.
But is this movement really as spontaneous as it seems?
Because when you start to see the causal effects of the movement you can trace
it all to a handful of people. And when you find out what those interests ARE,
you understand why they would fight hell and high water to prevent carbon and
climate legislation, health care reform, and a president who has the power to
go against their wishes and regulate their industries in ways that are good for
the masses but bad for the individual.
We already know that the financial disaster was the result
of insanely stupid use of derivatives on the real estate market. While housing
prices skyrocketed for a bit, they eventually plunged into the abyss as more
and more securities went bad and people who were suckered into sub-prime
mortgages started defaulting on their credit. Many people were evicted from
their homes, even if their financial institution couldn’t find the paperwork
for their loan. The situation was getting really messy really fast.
So Barack Obama, the newly appointed POTUS, stepped up to
the plate and introduced the “Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan,”
which basically raised taxes on upper incomes to help keep these people in
their homes and get them out of debt. Well, obviously Wall Street hit the
f%#(ng roof on that one. It was such an insult for them to think that it was
the hunger of the market to maximize profits at ALL costs that was the problem,
or the consequences it had on the free market. It was OBVIOUSLY all those
people who didn’t speak the technical language we like to call “law” that were
to blame for buying into the traps they themselves had set. How dare they!
So Rick Santelli, a CNBC contributor, went on the air,
pointed his finger at America, and said this:
You understand the subtext? “It’s not us! It’s YOU! YOU with your selfish desire for THINGS! THAT’S YOUR FAULT, NOT MINE!”
And so the call for a tax revolution began. But did that
demand come from actually people? No, it came from a major cable news network.
Even more disturbing, in a few short hours a staffer from Americans for
Prosperity said live on the air that he would e-mail everyone on their list to
attend the Tea Party rallies that Rick Santelli proposed. That list contained
500,000 names. And there spawn 50 Tea Parties with 30,000 people in attendance.
Needless to say, this was an effective ploy.
But the question remains: did CITIZENS really rise up
against Obama? Sure, the citizens didn’t HAVE to show up to the Tea Parties.
But through a coordinated effort by several billionaires, they DID show up at
those Tea Parties. So what’s the real story here? Is this grassroots, or is it
something more sinister? Like ASTRO TURF?
Astro-turfing is an age-old political tool used by the
wealthy and powerful to get citizens to side with them on legislation. The
reason why they need to give the appearance of a citizen’s uprising is because
if most of the country new that these ideas were coming from a small group of
selfish scumbags, they would never vote for the things they want you to vote
for. Like health care, carbon tax, or even public education.
So they carefully brainwash pawns through use of
anti-government rhetoric in order to incite the masses against legislation that
would keep them healthy and their planet safe. They organize Tea Parties. They
build conservative think tanks to lead normal people to believe that the debate
is still out on climate change. And, above all else, they convince everyone
that everything bad that has happened to our country’s prosperity is ALL
Obama’s fault. Even venereal disease and rape babies. (Okay, maybe not, but you
get the idea.)
No other effort to brainwash a group of citizens has been
more effect than that of Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks, two mostly
conservative activist groups with
a long history. These two organizations have been infamous in holding
corporately sponsored “citizens rallies” to help rally people against
government legislation on climate change. Because that’s “regulation.” And we
all know that regulation in any form, whether it be weapon possession, pollution,
or financial products, is straight from the devil. The success these groups
have had in organizing Tea Parties has been astounding. All a tribute to the
degree of stigma this country feels in the wake of a near depression.
Americans for Prosperity is the key to this puzzle. Its
funding comes almost exclusively from one source: Koch industries. And while I
could talk all night about this subject (and probably will in a future post)
I’ll just say for now that if you don’t know who David and Charles Koch are,
than you need to read everything you can on them. Because they are the evil
geniuses behind most of the astro-turfing and political contributions through
super PACs in this country. The lengths to which these two have gone to buy
elections, politicians, and the minds of voters has been unparalleled in
American history.
In closing, I encourage strongly that everyone watch this
video. It’s about an hour’s length, but it is one of the most important videos
I’ve seen on the formation of the Tea Party and the Koch brother’s use of
astro-turfing to try and gain political power and continue to pollute on a
massive scale.
Oh, and here’s one more thing to keep in mind: Mitt Romney
knows these guys very well. Don’t believe me? Watch this:
That’s all for this week. Tune in next time as we continue
down the rabbit hole.
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