
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Douchebag Awards: Lloyd Blankfein


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“We need to lower people’s expectations.”
The quote you’ve just read is from Lloyd Blankfein, the CEO of Goldman Sachs. And it’s in relation to the national debt and what we need to do to reduce it. His proposition and the quote that you’ve just read earned him this week’s “Excellence in Douchebaggery” award. His proposition was to get rid of entitlements and his reasoning was that we have to teach people that they don’t deserve any help from Uncle Sam.
What an ironic statement indeed to come from the lips of a $10B welfare baby. Lloyd Blankfein is the biggest hypocrite in the world, clearly, but he’s taken that title to a new low by blaming Social Security and other entitlements as the reason for the debt. It’s not mortgage securitization ponzi schemes or huge gambles on multiple lines of credit going bad. It’s those pesky senior citizens who think they’re owed things like RETIREMENT just because we said we’d give it to them. And so he points his pointy finger at the retired, the reflection of his index shining bright in his absurdly bald head, and said:
“Social Security isn’t going to be there for a thirty year retirement after a twenty five year career.”
This sentiment oddly resembles the sentiments of another prominent politician who just barely lost the election by a slim margin of over one hundred electorate votes (please note sarcasm.) His name, which rhymes with “twit,” was infamously quoted on hidden camera saying that forty-seven percent of Americans don’t take responsibilityfor their own lives. It’s how these big Wall Street superstars think. They say things like this to other wealthy people, and then wonder why the rest of the world hates their guts with a passion. They’re so confused by our reactions because they really do believe that this preposterous bullshit is all true. It’s not their faults, it’s ours.
What Lloyd Blankfein and other big shot bankers conveniently forget to mention is that they were the recipients of the largest hand-me-out in welfare history. They dress it up and call it a “bailout,” but it’s really just a huge injection of cash straight from the Federal Reserve into the arm of Goldman Sachs. Without it, the company most certainly would have failed. And this sum of money is completely the opposite of the Social Security fund, which is at a $2.7T surplus. Even though Goldman got back on its feet and paid back its loan they continue to insist that government assistance in any form is a horrible idea.
I’ve always been under the impression that Wall Street titans are worse than drug addicts when it comes to the compulsive nature of their denial. You listen to Mr. Blankfein make these statements and you wonder “does this douchebag really not see what it’s like for the rest of us scraping by on Social Security?” The answer is: no. No he doesn’t. The interview in question is all the proof you need that these guys are completely obvious to the hypocrisy of their own rhetoric. When it’s you who needs help, you’re a moocher upon society. And when they ask for a hand-me-out, it’s because they’re “job creators.” The only thing that will knock some sense into these idiots is to arrest the ones who broke the law the worst. That would at least be a start. Then the argument would change from “are they really that bad?” to “what do we do with bad people like this?”
 And so a tip of the hat and a flip of the bird to Lloyd Blankfein, sure to go down in the history books as one of the biggest douches of all time.