
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

“My vote is priceless!:Wrong! it’s worth about 20 dollars”

Happy election day everybody!  Let us rejoice in this wonderful day by expressing our opinions and voting in today’s matchup between Governor Mitt Romney, and our current president Barrack Obama.  Now I will not tell you who I voted for but I can tell you that I still have the same feelings of excitement and anticipation as I did when I first took part in voting four years ago.  This election is important for many reasons, however I will talking about the financial part of voting as this wonderful article says that this election will cost an estimated six billion dollars...toppling 2008’s election by over 700 million dollars. 700 million dollars. Let that sink in for just a moment would ya?  My question is simple: “where, in these tough economic times did both respective candidates find the money to fund their campaigns?”  Political action committees (or PAC’s) play a large role in funding as each candidate spent over 500 million dollars trying to tell the public that the other person could not work well with others.  It’s not my position to say how to spend money that is practically given to you however, in a world where there is economic recession, unemployment rates are at an all-time high (including several swing states such as Ohio) and spent nearly six billion dollars on advertisements it seems as though we are in a better economic position that we thought.  Hooray for economic prosperity!